Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hair Correction

This lovely lady is from Egypt. She was evacuated to Utah while things were pretty bad over there. And boy am I glad she was!

When she came in her hair was three different colors. At the roots it is a dark brown, almost black, a couple of inches down the strand it was an orange brown and the ends were a light orange color. She told me that when you ask for blond in Egypt that is usually what you get, because they don't do a lot of blond over there I guess. Her hair was amazing. It was so soft! And even though it looks really damaged, it was in great condition. The color made it look in a lot worse shape than it actually was.
So here is the Before:

And here is the After...dun dun dun!...

It looked so pretty straight! I had fun doing this! it was my first time working with someones hair that was that curly. I've done lots of curly hair, don't get me wrong. Just none quite so curly as hers! I loved it!